

Infused Olive Oil: How Flavoured Olive Oil is Made

The term “flavoured olive oil” might feel redundant to those familiar with extra virgin olive oil’s rich, natural flavour. With low acidity and notes ranging from grassy to peppery, extra virgin olive oil is one of the most flavourful oils available. Infused olive oil takes it a step further — adding fruit, herbs, and spices to unlock even greater levels of taste and depth. 

Flavoured olive oils can be made using various techniques, combining the principles of science and culinary artistry. To help you better understand how we flavour and create what we believe is some of the best extra virgin olive oil in Australia — here’s an overview of the processes and an introduction to our all-star flavoured olive oil range.

Infused Olive Oil

The term “infused” is widely used, often to describe any and all types of flavoured olive oils. However, it’s important to know that not all flavoured olive oils are created in the same way, and there’s a difference when it comes to truly infused olive oils.

The infusion method is a common approach used by olive oil makers, chefs, and home cooks alike. Infusing involves slowly adding fruits, herbs, and spices to high-quality olive oil to release their flavours and aromas into the oil. This can be done in different ways, either by adding them directly to the oil or by suspending them in a mesh bag within the oil. By doing so, the oil gradually absorbs the flavours and aromas of the ingredients — making the infusion process a delicate balance of science and artistry. When producers use this method, they filter out the ingredients, producing flavoured olive oil with an intense and vivid taste.

Another variant of the infusion method uses essence — a potent blend of essential oils and botanical extracts. This essence is combined with freshly-pressed olive oil, adding a rich layer of taste to the oil. 

Agrumato Olive Oil

‘Agrumato’ is an Italian term that brings an entirely different, yet equally effective technique to flavoured olive oils. This process involves co-crushing fresh fruits, herbs, or spices with the olives during extraction. This method is far from the post-pressing infusion of flavours. The term “agrumato” has its roots in the Italian word “agrume,” meaning “citrus.” It was originally used to characterize olive oil that was co-milled with lemon to produce a light yet intense citrus flavour. This process has been expanded to include various flavours and its methods have been updated to include state-of-the-art technology.

The agrumato method isn’t about simply adding flavours to the finished oil — it’s about merging flavours from the beginning of the oil creation process. The chosen ingredients, such as lemons, garlic, or chillies, are crushed in tandem with the olives, allowing the oil to naturally absorb the flavours from the source. It’s a direct flavouring method, creating a bond between the olive oil and the fresh ingredients. So, for example, the combination of olive oil and lemon creates an agrumato oil with a delightful citrusy taste, while garlic produces a robust flavour.

Whatever is used to add flavour, the result is an olive oil with an incredibly fresh, vivid flavour profile deeply rooted in authenticity. It’s a true ‘fruit-to-bottle’ experience, capturing the personality of the fresh ingredients within the oil. The agrumato method retains a certain purity, delivering an olive oil that embodies the flavours in their truest form.

Choosing the Best Method: Infused or Agrumato?

When it comes to determining the ‘best’ method between infusion and agrumato techniques, it’s not about competition. Both methods bring their attributes to the table, ultimately enhancing the flavour profile of the olive oil in their special way.

The infusion method allows for a controlled and tailored flavouring process through the gradual seeping of herbs and spices or by adding a potent essence. It’s a technique that honours the precise artistry of taste enhancement, allowing the natural qualities of extra virgin olive oil to be the backdrop upon which flavour profiles can be painted.

In contrast, the agrumato method promotes a more organic merging of flavours, even when modern technology is used. It’s an approach that harnesses the power of simultaneous crushing, to create a harmonious blend of oil and fresh ingredients. The result? A flavoured olive oil with a taste profile that directly reflects the fresh ingredients used, imbuing the oil with a freshness that’s hard to beat.

Yet, regardless of the method used, the key to creating a fantastic, flavoured olive oil always comes back to the quality of the base. The canvas on which these artworks are created must be top-shelf to allow the flavours of the added ingredients to shine. That’s why we use only high-quality cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil as the foundation for our infused and agrumato oils at Just Pure Olive Oil.

High-quality ingredients and careful, considered methods make our products stand out as some of the best olive oil Australia offers. Like any culinary endeavour, it’s about respect for the ingredients and the process, allowing the natural flavours to be the star of the show. Whether it’s the controlled infusion method or the agrumato process, the results are undeniably delicious, enriching your meals with the quality and flavour that only comes from a great product like Just Pure Olive Oil.

Just Pure Olive Oil’s All-Star Infused Olive Oils

At Just Pure Olive Oil, we are proud to offer a range of expertly crafted flavoured oils that will excite the palate and elevate your meals. Let us take you on a flavour journey through some of our star players — from the aromatic garlic and zesty lemon olive oils to the luxuriously earthy truffle-infused and fiery chilli olive oil.

Garlic Olive Oil: A Culinary Delight

Our garlic-infused olive oil combines the rich, deep flavour of high-quality cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil with the hearty aroma and taste of garlic. Its robust character makes it perfect for enhancing a variety of dishes, from simple pasta to grilled meats or roasted vegetables. We use the agrumato method to create this flavourful oil, allowing for a smooth combination of oils and fresh garlic.

Lemon Olive Oil: Brighten Your Dishes

Our lemon-infused olive oil offers a vibrant burst of citrus that can lift and brighten any dish. Its zesty profile shines when drizzled over fresh salads, grilled fish, or even used in a zingy cake batter. The agrumato technique ensures that the fresh lemon flavours come through with each and every bite, bringing a touch of sunshine to your plate.

Truffle Olive Oil: Luxurious Taste of the Underground

Truffle-infused olive oil is our nod to luxury. This oil, redolent with the distinctive, earthy aroma of truffles, can transform a simple dish into a gourmet experience. Ideal for risottos, pasta, or drizzled over cooked meats, this oil delivers a gastronomic delight in each drop. The tried and tested science of infusion ensures that every bottle of truffle-infused olive oil is steeped in flavourful goodness.

Chilli Olive Oil: Ignite Your Palate

For those who enjoy a kick of heat, our chilli-infused olive oil is a must. With its spicy character, this oil is perfect for adding fire to your favourite dishes — think pizzas, pastas or stir-fries. Blending the natural goodness of first cold-pressed olive oil with the fiery hit of chilli, the agrumato technique produces an oil that’s hot yet inviting.

At Just Pure Olive Oil, our range of flavoured olive oils is designed to accentuate the exceptional quality of our extra virgin olive oil — every infusion we offer is crafted to elevate your culinary experience. Through the infusion and agrumato methods, we strive to create oils that highlight the virtues of high-quality ingredients and sound production methods, ultimately delivering a superior product. Whether you opt for the robustness of garlic, the zestiness of lemon, the luxury of truffle, or the heat of chilli, you’re in for an authentic, flavour filled treat.

Discover the Magic of Infused Olive Oils with Just Pure Olive Oil

Creating flavoured olive oils is an art — a delicate dance of science, technique, and the highest quality ingredients. Whether through the gradual, controlled infusion or the organic, harmonious agrumato method, the result is a gastronomic success. At Just Pure Olive Oil, we honour this art, creating flavoured oils that allow you to explore new culinary dimensions, enhancing every dish you create. Discover the world of taste with our infused olive oils — you won’t look back.

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